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  • Honor Roberts

St Nicholas of Tolentino: Patron of the Holy Souls

St Nicholas was born in 1245 in Sant’Angelo, Italy. The Saint took his name ‘Nicholas’ from St. Nicholas of Myra, at whose shrine his parents visited to pray for a child. St Nicholas of Tolentino became an Augustinian monk at the age of 18 and when he was 25, he was ordained a Priest. The Saint had had visions of angels reciting ‘to Tolentino’; he took it as a sign to move to that city, where he stayed for the rest of his life. There was conflict between the Guelphs and Ghibellines struggling for the control of Italy and supporting the Pope and Holy Roman Emperor, respectively. He worked as a peacemaker and sought to obstruct immorality, which was growing in the city.

Saint Nicholas gained a reputation as a wonderworker, having been attributed to many miracles both during his life and after his death. He ministered to the poor and the sick. On one occasion a sick boy was healed instantly after the Friar laid his hands on him, saying, ‘The Good God will heal you’. His fame spread quickly and led to people bringing themselves and their sick relatives to be prayed over and often subsequently cured. On one occasion, after a long fast, he was weak and received a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Augustinian, telling him to eat some bread, marked with the Cross and dipped in water. After doing so, he was immediately stronger. He began distributing these bread rolls to those with poor health, while praying to the Holy Mother of God and many were healed. This is the origin of the Augustinian custom of blessing and handing out ‘St Nicholas Bread’. When working miracles, the Saint is said to have always said to those he helped, ‘Say nothing of this’.

Throughout his life, Saint Nicholas is said to have had visions of Purgatory, which was a key feature of his spiritual life. It is said that one night, while sleeping, the Saint heard the voice of a deceased Friar whom he had known, who told the Saint that he was in Purgatory. The deceased Friar pleaded to have Masses said for the repose of his soul and other souls that were with him. St. Nicholas offered the Holy Mass for this intention for seven days. After this, the deceased Friar came to tell the Saint that his soul and a number of others had been freed from Purgatory. St. Nicholas prayed fervently and cried many tears of sorrow for the suffering souls in Purgatory. Because of this, St. Nicholas was proclaimed Patron of the Holy Souls in Purgatory by Pope Leo XIII in 1884.

Many other legends and tales surround this Saint, including apparitions; one in particular tells how the Saint appeared in the sky saving the Palace of the Duke of Venice from being burnt down, by throwing blessed bread onto the flames; he is also attributed to saving people from drowning and the resurrection of children, to name a few of his miracles.

Saint Nicholas died in the year 1305 on 10th September in Tolentino. He was canonized by Pope Eugene IV, in 1446.

Saint Nicholas of Tolentino pray for us and all the faithful departed!


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