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  • Guadalupe Costantini

Sorrowful Mysteries to St Joseph

Sorrowful Mysteries to St Joseph for a man you do not know yet

Oh, let’s not start that topic again, we all know men are not men anymore! They are frivolous, cowardly, selfish, they are afraid of commitment, they have very little initiative, they make us wait forever, they put up stupid excuses… Let’s not complain anymore, after all, womanhood is also in crisis. Let’s do something about it. Res non verba!

We cannot change them, but we can pray for them. If God wills for you to get married, it follows that there is in this world one man that will ask you to be his wife. A man with a face, with a name, with virtues, and above all, with flaws, just like you.

I, therefore, invite you to join me in praying the Sorrowful Mysteries in honour of St Joseph, for a man that you do not know.

Why the Sorrowful Mysteries?

We often romanticise marriage – we think of the wedding, pregnancy, birth of children, the happy moments with our spouse. But we might forget that marriage is mainly an act of sacrifice. It’s the complete free donation of self to the spouse and children. It requires a constant giving up of one’s preferences, comforts, free time, of everything.

By meditating on the Passion of Our Lord, we aspire to unite ourselves to Him and to offer up all of our future married life. Especially in His Holy Passion, Jesus gives us example of sacrifice. Marriage is sacrifice, and in sacrifice, just like in Charity, it is us who have to give the first step.

Why St Joseph?

This one is a given. Our good Joseph was the perfect husband and the perfect father because he was created to be the spouse of the perfect Woman. Not knowing what to do with his expecting spouse, while never doubting her chastity; looking for a place for the Mother of God to give birth; flighting to an unknown land because someone seeks to kill his Child; going back to a different place to the one he had planned, and settling down anew; losing his Blessed Child for three days… Tell St Joseph about trials!

We entrust our future husband to St Joseph so that he inspires in him the virtues that make a man a saintly husband and father.

Why pray for someone we do not know yet?

Firstly, because praying is an act of charity. But also, if you think about it, you are going to spend your whole life with one person… You had better pray for him who can make your life a misery or a joy, but who ultimately will be your path to heaven.

It does not matter if we do not know yet who this man will be. We want to start loving him now, and the only thing we can do for him – apart from growing in virtues proper to women – is entrusting him to the perfect husband and father.

I have resolved to pray an extra Holy Rosary every day for my future husband. I have to admit I have not been very good at my resolution, sometimes I forget - it feels rather vague to pray for someone I do not know. Nevertheless, I will be praying the Dolorous Mysteries for my future husband asking St. Joseph's intercession every Monday at 7 pm online. Will you join me?

¡Viva Cristo Rey!

PS: if you are married already or courting or engaged, all that I just said applies just as well.


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