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  • Sofia Buccino

Saint Philomena: Patroness of the Children of Mary

On the 25th of May of 1802, during a common excavation in the catacombs of Rome, the body of Saint Philomena was found after being hidden for fifteen centuries. The first thing discovered was the sepulchral stone which was remarkable for its singularity. Underneath these sepulchral stones the relics of this holy martyr laid with a clay vase containing dried blood of the martyr. As the excavators were trying to detach the holy blood from the vase the particles upon falling into the urn became precious stones and metal:

"The sacred particles, in falling from the vase into the urn, were transformed into various precious and shining bodies; some presenting the luster and color of the purest gold, some of silver, some appearing like diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and other precious stones"

The way that we know about the martyrdom of Saint Philomena is through the symbols that were inscribed in the tomb stones that laid before her relics. There is a lot of controversy over her, as many think she never existed. However, I happen to highly disagree with this as the holy Saint John Vianney had a huge devotion to her. Most of what we know comes from revelations was by Saint Philomena to Servant of God Sister Maria Luisa de Gesù.

Saint Philomena was the daughter of a greek king that had converted to Christianity. When she was a young girl, she took a vow of virginity and consecrated herself to God. The emperor of Rome at the time, Diocletian, became deeply infatuated with the young girl and offered peace between them if he could marry his daughter. Upon this, Philomena refused and she was therefore subject to a series of horrible torments. Firstly the young saint was scourged. However, two angels quickly healed her of the wounds that this tortures had caused. Later on she was tied to an anchor and thrown to the tiber river. She was again saved by angels who cut the rope and saved from drowning. The was shot with burning arrows that would bend and even killed six of her attackers, while other of them received immediately the gift of Faith. After all of these failed attempts to kill the holy child, Diocletian had her decapitated. From Sister Maria Luisa de Gesù, we know that she was born on the 10th of January and her martyrdom happened on August 10. Her name means daughter of light.

Saintly clients of Saint Philomena:

The most well known devotees of this wonderful Saint are St. John Vianney, St. Peter Julian Eymard, St. Peter Chanel, St. Anthony Mary Claret, St. Madelaine Sophie Barat, St. Euphrasier Pelletier, St. John Neumann, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, St. Damien of Molokai, St. Magdalene of Canossa, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, Blessed Bartolo Longo, Blessed Annibale Da Messina, Pope Leo XII, Pope Gregory XVI, Blessed Pope Pius IX, Pope Leo XIII, and Pope Saint Pius X.

So, there are many devotions you can follow to Saint Philomena.

Saint Philomena is the patron saint of the young, children, babies, afflicted mothers, priests, virgins, sterile women, young married couples, among other causes. I recommend, not only women but also men to foster a devotion to her. It is also great for those discerning religious life, as well as mothers, fathers and children.

The Cord of Saint Philomena is the most popular devotion to her, and my favorite. This devotion was promoted by Saint John Vianney, and some believe that originated with him. The cord is a white and red wool, linen or cotton cord that is to be tied around the body. The colors signify her martyrdom and her virginity. At the end of the cord there are two knots, they symbolize again her martyrdom and her virginity. To use the cord one must only have it blessed with the standard blessing of an objects. It is normally used under your clothing and those who wear it are encouraged to pray this daily prayer:

O most pure Virgin, glorious Martyr, St. Philomena, whom God in His eternal power has revealed to the world in these unhappy days in order to revive the faith, sustain the hope and enkindle the charity of Christian souls, behold me prostate at thy feet. Deign, O Virgin, full of goodness and kindness, to receive my humble prayers and to obtain for me that purity for which thou didst sacrifice the most alluring pleasures of the world, that strength of soul which made thee resist the most terrible attacks and that ardent love for our Lord Jesus Christ, which the most frightful torments could not extinguish in thee. So, that wearing thy holy cord and imitating thee in this life, I may one day be crowned with thee in Heaven. Amen.

Before 1968 the Holy See had granted several plenary indulgences for wearing the holy cord. One on the day the chord is first used, another one on the 25th of May which is the day when her relics were discovered, one on the 11th of August which is the feast of the Saint, and one on the 15th of December which is the date when the cord was approved. Finally, the most valuable indulgence is granted to those wearing it at the hour of death. In you want to learn more about the cord I recommend this website.

Another devotion to her is her oil. In 1805, a mother took her blind child to the shrine of St. Philomena in Mugnano. She dipped her fingers into the oil candle that was burring in the Saint's altar and anointed the eyes of the child. Right there the child was healed and gave thanks to the Saint in front of a multitude of faithful witnesses. From this miracle, the oil that burns perpetually at the tomb of Saint Philomena continues to be an instrument of many healings and miracles. This oil is available at the shrine of the Saint in Mugnano. To know more about the oil, click here.

The chaplet of Saint Philomena is another devotion that originated from Saint John Vianney. It is a simple chaplet composed by him. It is a beautiful way of manifesting our devotion to her as it is a short prayer that is well suited for both the older and the younger for its simplicity. To know more about it, follow this link.

Other than these devotions there are various novenas to Saint Philomena, a litany, and other ones also available following this link.

Saint Philomena, pray for us!


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