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  • Sofia Buccino

Consecration to Mary: Exercises of the Interior Life

''I shall not rest, until I have found Mary,” said St. John Berchmans.

Child of Mary, has not your heart sent forth that same interior cry a thousand times? And to be more sure of winning the good graces, of this exalted Queen, have you not already consecrated yourself to her? Or at least, are you not determined to do so very soon, giving yourself to her perfectly and entirely, leaving to her all that you possess, even the value of all your good works?

What joy you will thus give to the heart of Jesus! What charity You will practise towards your neighbour and what blessings you will draw upon yourself by choosing Mary as your supplement and your all with God! But you must understand that the essential part of this perfect devotion consists in trying, to the best of your power and at every moment of your life, to do all your actions, with Mary, in Mary, through Mary and for Mary, as Saint Louis de Montfort explains in his work True Devotion to Mary.

In order to help you to enter upon this devotion we are introduction a column in this blog. We will give you some considerations on the pious practices of certain saints who have distinguished themselves by their love for the Queen of heaven. May they contribute to establish more and more the reign of Mary in your soul and enable you to realize its interior consolations!

This column is mostly based on the book by Fr Gabriel Denis SMM, The Reign of Jesus Through Mary published in the 20th Century. Pope Pius X gave an approbation to the Dutch translation of the book, approving entirely the spreading of the book amongst the Children of Mary in 1910.


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